so here we are. Carina UK has published our novel and it currently
nestles inside the top 5000 in the Amazon best-seller charts! To
infinity and beyond.
feedback has been lovely. I can't help but think it's only a matter of time till the naysayers and trolls arrive. Still, who cares? Some
people I respect greatly have said how much they enjoyed it and how
well written it was. That's enough for me.
“two real writers awaiting validation” it feels like the end of
the journey, or the beginning of the end, or the end of the
beginning, or something. I'm fairly sure TS Eliot and Churchill put
it better.
we've decided to change the title of the blog, as you'll see. We feel
validated and a big thank you to everyone who made that possible.
let's get on with being real writers. Which as best as I can work out
means moaning incessantly about a writer's life – problem
publishers, absent editors, the lack of sales, the fake smiling at
the success of others, the whole creative process, darling.
I didn't know TS Elliot and Churchill were friends - unlikely bedfellows