Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Self promotion?

I have been more than a little embarrassed today.  As you can see below, there is an article in this week's Woman's Own about me. With pictures and everything.

Yep, embarrassing.  It's not the baldy head picture that's the issue. I'm not at all bothered about that.

You see, the whole thing was never meant to be about me.

We were tiptoeing along the path of promoting Farewell Trip and finding an agent.  Trying to find something different about our book (other than the plot, characters and voice, of course), we decided to use what we saw as our two USPs.  Firstly, that Gary and I had written it in collaboration and from a distance.  And secondly, that since the book is about a man who has terminal cancer, the fact I had secondary cancer might be an interesting angle.  So, in every approach to an agent we made and in great hope, we mentioned these things.  To be frank, nobody seemed very interested.

However, we have been incredibly lucky in our friends, several of whom have put themselves out no end to help us get the novel out into the world. Jenny (amongst a myriad other things) put me in touch with Heart, an agency which finds, writes and sells true-life stories to magazines.

It's odd to find that one's own life story is apparently of enough interest to warrant a double page spread in a national magazine, but Christabel (the writer) convinced me she could place the story.  She was right.  She did a great job weaving in Farewell Trip too, but warned me that it's almost unheard of for a magazine to give a novel a plug, so not to expect them to print the blog address or anything like it.

But they did and maybe you're reading this because of that link.  If so, leave a comment on the post or (even better) at the bottom of the extract of Farewell Trip.  Gary and I would really like to know what you think of the book.


  1. How brilliant that they included the blog address. I am soooo hoping that someone somewhere in the literary world picks up on it. I'm sure even uber cosmopolitan agents must read WO at the dentist's !

    1. This is when Blogger needs a Like button...

  2. Hi Karin, I never buy woman mags but I saw Gary's post on FB and today I went and bought the mag and sat by the river reading your double(!) page story...I can't wait to sit down and read the extract but better still, to hear that you have both had this story published would be the best news ever. You are amazing and I am in awe of your courage and determination. Keep fighting, keep strong <3

    1. I don't quite know what to say except that I don't feel at all amazing or courageous, or even determined most of the time. But I do feel amazed at how wonderfully supportive and thoughtful people have been (and are) towards me.

      I so hope you enjoy the extract - it's very important to us that our friends and family like the book. We are working hard to get it out there and who knows? Keep all your extremities crossed!

      Karin xxx
