Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Tweet, Tweet

Somewhat against my better judgement, my sister-in-law has persuaded me to join Twitter. Her argument was that it would raise my profile. My thought was it would give me something to look at on my new smart phone, should I ever get around to turning it on.

I assume Judy meant it would raise my work profile. So she'll probably be aghast to learn that my first 15 followers other than her, are all dead-beat gamblers, and that my first tweet was a losing tip in the Chester Cup.

On the plus side, I have been told that Twitter offers a means of circumventing the huge firewall that exists between aspiring writers and the publishing world. I think the idea is that you somehow follow (stalk) a load of agents and publishers – beguile them with your witty, insightful and clever tweets and - before you know it - housey, housey, book bingo.

Plainly, what we need to find is an agent/publisher with a fondness for Shropshire, and a chronic gambling affliction.

I fully expect Karin to join in so that we can charge headlong into the guns together. Those of you already on Twitter, do come and follow us.

or something...


  1. Glad to see you're getting the hang of it then!

  2. some bugger already stole my twitter name. so now i'm the very uncatchy @karinjldixon. until tomorrow when i may become @therealkarindixon or @princesskarin

    1. Has to be @princesskarin. Annex

    2. Why am I Gary? I do not understand blogs....or Twitter come to think of it.
