Sunday, 24 February 2013

Excuses, excuses

So, how to explain the distinct lack of posts from me over the past couple of weeks...
  1. I'm far too tired after work
  2. I'll just check facebook before I start
  3. I've got to concentrate on getting the blimmin' novel finished by the February 28th deadline
  4. I wonder if anyone's replied to that post I wrote on facebook?
  5. I can't think of anything interesting to say
  6. How can I follow Gary's last clever/funny/insightful (delete as appropriate) offering?
  7. Damn, I forgot to spy on the kids' facebook pages earlier
  8. It's not like we have hordes of readers hanging on our every post...
  9. This book I've read before is so gripping I can't possibly stop reading now
  10. Oh my god, look at those photos wotserface has put on facebook, unbelievable!
  11. The tv I never switch on is on and there's a repeat of Location, Location, Location from 2009 that I haven't seen
  12. Goodness, I haven't looked at my email since I last went on facebook, better just check in case
  13. Maybe a blog about writer's block? Nah, what could I say? It's all a myth designed by writers to excuse their laziness anyway


  1. Oh, I thought you were writing while I was doing the washing up...

  2. thinking. i was thinking. writing is all about thinking, you know. can't just put words on paper willy-nilly, everyone knows that.
